Escaping the
data jungle

Highly efficient maintenance of filtration systems with
Viledon Process View

“If I try to manage hundreds of filter stages using Excel sheets, I quickly find I can go no further,”

says Andreas Gifhorn, Service Technician for Viledon filterCair.

“A huge amount of data accumulates over time. Information on filter changes, differential pressure, humidity and settling velocity must be clearly documented and constantly available, otherwise the risk of faults quickly increases — and maintenance is inefficient.”

Gifhorn should know. Initially a customer, he is now part of the Viledon filterCair team. He therefore knows both sides and the problems with which companies and service technicians are confronted on a daily basis.

Digital support
for service technicians

One of the biggest challenges is planning efficient preventative maintenance. This includes determining requirements, planning tasks, and completing maintenance in a manner that saves time. With Viledon Process View, Freudenberg Filtration Technologies has created a web-based data management system especially for air filter management that precisely fulfills these criteria by creating a digital version of the entire system and all its filter stages.

Each filter stage is also given its own individual QR code, which the service technician can scan using an app to document filter changes, add new measurements, or upload photos. The data is then immediately available and provides the basis for efficient processes.

“I can see which tasks are outstanding,” says Gifhorn, showing his personal service technician dashboard on his smartphone.

“If a filter has reached its maximum service life or has exceeded the differential pressure, I automatically receive a notification via the app. This allows me to plan my work according to requirements and I can focus on the customer’s key requirements.

It saves me time and the customer benefits from improved process monitoring and more stable processes.”

Another advantage

is that it is not just Viledon filterCair service technicians who have access to the data for the entire filter system. The customer’s internal maintenance engineers can also view the filter status in real time, take measurements, and enter them into the system.

Improved security ,
and peace of mind

As well as practical advantages for the maintenance team, Viledon Process View also offers audit security, with filter life, filter changes, and maintenance documented in one place in a uniform and secure manner. Details such as differential pressure profiles for the various stages can be displayed in graphic form within seconds.

As the data management system is developed and managed by Freudenberg Filtration Technologies itself, the data is not passed on to any third parties, which guarantees maximum data security.

“The fact that I don’t need any access to the customer network on site is a considerable advantage for the company, particularly with regard to its IT security,” says Gifhorn.

Improved functionality and convenience with
Version 2.0

Further developments are made to Viledon Process View on a continuous basis order to make maintenance even more efficient. The development teams are in close contact with the Viledon filterCair service technicians, who are active users of the system and are on site with the customer on a daily basis. New functions that are customized to the practical challenges of the individual customer are constantly being developed and integrated.

The latest feature is push notifications for an improved overview and faster reaction times. In future, automatic filter re-ordering for warehouse management will be possible via the app.

Find out more about the advantages Viledon Process View offers your project on our website.

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